Steele & Drex

The Full Show: Solutions for rising crime in the downtown core, new development to let cruise ships bypass Canada and what are the impacts of Amazon hiring spree?



Police presence will increase to address Downtown crime spike, Vancouver councillors say Lisa Dominato, Vancouver City Councillor joins the show to discuss how the city is looking to address the spike in crime within the downtown core. Alaskan Senator also introducing a bill to let cruise ships bypass Canada   Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun columnist, joins us to discuss another newly proposed legislation, this time from Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, surrounding BC's role in the Alaska cruise ship industry.   US considering corporate tax rate of 26.5% for their wealthiest businesses Guest - Reggie Cecchini - Washington Correspondent for Global National  Amazon is hiring - but is that a good thing? Guest -  William Johnson, editor of the Vancouver Tech Journal