Steele & Drex

The Full Show: More of the same? Breaking down the federal election, Why are the Conservatives losing more seats? Revitalizing Vancouver's Punjabi Market



Decision Canada: we’re right back where we started from Breaking down the federal election with Keith Baldrey, Global’s Legislative Bureau Chief in Victoria Did support for the People’s Party cause the Conservatives to drop seats? Why did the Conservative party drop seats? We discuss with Mario Canseco, President of the Research Co. polling company The post-election political panel The post-election political panel - was the election worth it?  Guest - Stephen Smart - Western Canada General Manager for Hill and Knowlton Strategies; Former Legislative Bureau Chief for CBC; Former Press Secretary to the Premier of B.C. Guest - Maria Dobrinskaya - BC Director, Broadbent Institute Stanley Park to reopen to the public effective immediately Jawn Jang brings us the latest developments out of the Stanley Park coyote cull  Where We Live: Punjabi Market murals The revitalization of Punjabi Market in Vancouver  Guest - Jag Nagra - Creative Director of the Punjabi Market Collective