Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Luke 24:13-35 "Why are you sad?"



He is risen! Oh how foolish it is in the storms of life, to place our trust in worldly treasures. We need to trust and meditate on the word of God and nothing else. Let us not limit ourselves to only what our hearts can understand. The word became flesh and dwelt among us. He is the way, the truth and the life. His words offer no clichés, rhymes or empty promises. He says come as you are. In any season. He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks. God cannot and will not let you down. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is the remedy to our sadness. Call on Him, and let deep cry out to deep. This message can also be heard on the church website at and viewed on YouTube. Tune in weekdays at 11:00am to KEPT 96.9 FM for Hydrate Radio. A half hour ministry outreach collection of teachings from previously recorded studies. Accept today, God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved.If you have questions or need someone to talk to, contact us.Thank you for visiti