Ocl Michigan

084 - Digesting DISC – Part 1



Are you new alumni? Did you recently finish the Our Community Listens course and find yourself often checking back to your learning guide? Well, this podcast and its coming episode are here for you as another form of learning! We’ll be reviewing subjects from class, providing more examples and reminders of how to apply the skills at work and at home. In this episode, Adam J. Salgat and Katie Trotter take time to talk about the origins of the Extended DISC assessment and begin breaking down the behavior tendencies of D and I in their purest form. Take the next 30 minutes to learn how to better understand people in your life and how they may prefer to be communicated with. Keep an eye out for the upcoming podcast where we look at the S and C tendencies. https://www.chapmancommunities.org/ https://connect.chapmancommunities.org/page/events