Organic Gardener Podcast

257. Lifestyle Block ~ Homesteading with the “Cute Factor” | Alpaca Peruvian Black Gold | Jane Toy | Wanganui, New Zealand



Welcome to the show today! I’m so excited because I have a guest who’s in the Facebook group and a listener and on the other side of the world who shares her passion for homesteading also known as Lifestyle Block. Tell us a little about yourself. So, I’m in New Zealand for start in the north island in a place called Wanganui which is on the west coast of the North Island. It’s about 1/2 way down in a pretty good climate. You can grow pretty much anything here! We’re about 20 minutes out of town of about 40k people. An average size town here in New Zealand. We have 2 hectacres about 5 acres 4 1/2 acres of pastureland 1/2 acre around the garden which is pretty much food few roses and things but mainly food We moved here in May 2017, so we’ve been here just over a year and a half and made huge strides. Doing things slowly isn’t really my style so we decided to jump in gunboats and all! We made the decision to change our lifestyle dramatically on the back of the US