Empowered Couples

The Pursue-Withdraw Pattern: Why Partners Disengage Rather Than Open Up: Episode 244



Having hard conversations is a part of being in a marriage. These conversations come up when you feel disconnected, when a past conflict is unresolved, or when you are feeling disconnected and want to get back to connection. Depending on each of your styles of communicating, when you go to have these conversations, you might end up in the “Pursue-Withdraw” pattern.  In this episode you will hear the dynamics of this pattern, where one of you is trying to engage but the other pulls away, as well as the steps to take to get out of this pattern. Once you can navigate this pattern, you will feel confident that you can better handle these hard conversations while being on the same side with each other.   Resources For Your Relationship: Register FREE for the LIVE Webclass August 17th, 2022 on: Handling Hard Conversations in Marriage and Creating a Safe Space For All Emotions.  After that date, you can also sign-up for a 2-on-2 Relationship Breakthrough Session here