Real World Gardener Podcasts

Drying Flowers on Real World Gardener



TALKING FLOWERS Dried Flowers and How To Do Them Did you know that dried flowers are back in fashion? Perhaps, like me you thought that never went out of fashion, but do you dry your own on do you buy dried flower arrangements?   No prizes for guessing that those brightly coloured flowers are actually bleached in vats of bleach first, then because all the pigmentation (chlorophyll) has been removed it is practically falling apart.   The next step, the foliage is plasticised and dyed. Not something you want to display in your home   The process behind these dyed flowers is incredibly toxic and is usually down outside Australia. Dry Your Own. Some Australia flowers dry naturally in full colour such as golden everlasting, Australian paper daisy (Rhodanthe chlorocephela) , Billy Buttons (Pycnosorus globosus). Billy Buttons-dried by hanging upside down Dried Rhodanthe sp. Surprises Did you know that you could even dry your dahlia flowers? Choose the more tightly formed varieties with darker colours perfor