Compulsive Overeating Diary

Ep 0138 – Gratitude Day



I ponder the sacrifices of our service men and women on Memorial Day. BC Rabbit's comments from last show inspire me to think about letting go of my Racing Morning Mind and talk about how guided meditation has been working for me. Dawny presents a niece-approved round of Foolish Fun. Thank you Amazon shoppers for using the COD links to buy your products to support the show. Greetings to new BC Laura R (soon to be Laura S). My struggles with some aspects of social media and a new hashtag for us to connect - #CODBCs. Sue from the U.K. stops by to comfort me on My Motherless Day blog post. Comments from Dawny who shares a BIG milestone and BC Dave, who goes on the bravery report along with his wife, BC Kathy, for trying something new. Mark and my brave bike plans for next year's birthday.