Sales Success Stories

And Now For Something Completely Different



And now for something completely different. I sent a newsletter out a couple of weeks ago that wasn’t really directly related to sales at all. Instead, I was talking about a couple of books that I was reading on macro economics and what the future of the world might look like. It prompted some really interesting conversations and feedback. And one of those bits of feedback was that it was nice to get away from the pure sales content sometimes. I thought I’d lean into that a bit as we start to wrap up the summer and wanted to share my favorite recent non-fiction read, and by “read” I actually mean listen on Audible. This was “Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir. You may recognize the author as the author of “The Martian” which was another book I absolutely loved. Now, he did a book in between called “Artemis” not my favorite, but “Project Hail Mary” is amazing. I highly highly recommend it. And I’d also love to hear what you’re reading, or your favorite recent reads. I might even include some of those in a future