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ER Mother | Miscarriage Torture



The doctor will not treat you For the miscarriage you suffer There's nothing we can do For Emergency Room mothers The state controls your health care More specifically, the Church Hospitals do not dare Let the doctor put you first Good bye. You're going home That's what the lawyers say You can suffer all alone Until you skin turns gray Goodbye. Don't come back Until your temperature's 105 Wait until your blood turns black And you're barely alive When you're sick enough to treat When you're close enough to death When you say pretty please With your last stinking breath When you scream in pain And bleed fast enough When you circle the drain And pray to the Man above Then maybe we will treat you For the miscarriage you suffer Wait til your face turns blue Emergency Room mother When you're sick enough to treat When you're close enough to death When you say pretty please With your last stinking breath When you scream in pain And bleed fast enough When you circle the drain And