Arrow Bandwidth

The Hidden Values of Cloud



Fifteen years ago, the thought of running IT production workloads anywhere but on-premises was unthinkable. But times have changed, and now, cloud has become a normal and trusted part of business operations. Cloud has proven that location doesn't matter anymore, as long as workloads are quickly and securely available. During this Arrow Bandwidth podcast, you’ll learn what the best approach to cloud is (private, public or hybrid); if it will do everything your customers imagine; if it's financially feasible; if it's really secure; and what can Arrow do to facilitate an end-to-end cloud solution. REFERENCE MATERIAL Edwards, Chris, Hidden Messages Fool AI, Communications of the ACM, January 2019, Vol.62, No.01, page 13 SPEAKERS David Fearne Global Data Intelligence Practice Leader, Arrow David Fearne has been at Arrow for eight years, working in UKI, EMEA and global roles. He was most recently the technical director of Arrow’s enterpri