Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#131 Natural Progesterone Truths with Dr Tony Coope



Wendy K Laidlaw welcomes back Dr Tony Coope (MD) from the UK to the Podcast where they discuss the truths and safety of natural bio-identical progesterone cream.  “With endometriosis it’s not just about adding Progesterone. Without addressing the emotional and spiritual elements of your life, you cannot heal. That’s the conclusion I have come too”.  Dr Tony Coope There is often a significant amount of misinformation, misunderstanding and confusion amongst many women, including the mainstream medical realm, about the use and supplementation of natural bio-identical progesterone cream.  Natural bio-identical progesterone cream is a safe way to naturally increase levels of the hormone progesterone (if it is low, or there is none showing up in tests). However, natural bio-identical progesterone is often mistaken for the chemical alternative called Progestins, which are produced by the big pharmaceutical companies and may cause severe side effects for women with endometriosis.  Dr Tony Coope has a wide breadth of