Counter Worlds

The Book of Everyone 01: The Phoenix



Welcome to The Book of Everyone an anthology series exploring the untold stories, hidden in the deepest section of our library! Join Selena Romero and Edgar Argento as they kick off their radio station's annual, Screams for Charity contest!  This episode was written by Quentin Wilde and Cassidy Wilde The role of Selena was voice by Cassidy Wilde, The role of Edgar was voiced by Quentin Wilde, The role of Jason was preformed by Dane Keckley, The role of Angela Baker was preformed by Vicky, The role of Martin Myers was preformed by Stone Smith, the role of Kristy Cotton was preformed by Regina Williams and the role of Talbot was preformed by Al  Sarria! Give them all a big round of applause! For more awesome episodes visit our website at