The Path To Unlimited With Julien Marion

008: New Year, New You?



Happy New Year! My January 2016 goals 1. 31 videos on Youtube 2. Record my book in an audio format on Audible. What about you? Post in the comments below ( We will check in on Sunday, January 31st! Don't wait to have it perfect! My first book is finally done! Check it out here >>> At least version 1. Can I make it better? Yes, but if I keep on waiting for it to be "perfect" it will NEVER go out. Because of life, insecurity, doubts, and more. However if I think that there is someone out there crying themselves to sleep, because they feel stuck in their life. and IF I believe, even just a little bit that I can get them unstuck. It is my DUTY, OBLIGATION, and RESPONSIBILITY to get it out NOW and support them. What about you? We are about to start a new year, a new chapter. What goals or dreams do you have in your heart? What book, song, dance, business have you kept inside for all those years. Because you feel like it is not "re