Everybody Brands

Building a Brand with Credibility and Trust



Brand owners and marketers can learn a lot from... wait for it... recovering ministry professionals.Why are people drawn to brands that demonstrate credibility and trust? We might not have all the answers, but we talk about that question and more in this conversation between Jake Zufelt and Brand Strategist Brian Sooy.Jake is the founder of Weldwood Marketing, an agency that specializes in marketing for Realtors.  If you're a realty professional, you've got to hear what he has to say about how you market your business.It's not much different than what we say at Aespire.  If you're a frequent listener, you'll know what we say.  If not — listen now — for an insight that everybody who brands and markets their business needs to practice.We throw in the usual references to music, too.Find Jake at Weldwood Marketing.Get a poster of the 12 principles from the Aespire Brand Clarity Credo and a year’s worth of practices you can apply to your brand and business when you signup for the Clarity Credo at claritycredo.com