Linzis Life Radio

Linz, Can talking about depression save our lives?



Talking about depression can save our lives. Walking in faith can save one from depression and even save your life. Often your life is at risk if you suffer from clinical depression. Graham Aitchison revisits us this week for part two of the series on the story behind “No Way Out But Through”. Graham details the devastating pain that he traveled through, the sabotage that he caused in his own life and how things changed when he found faith; he continued a journey that would allow him to find healing, and light through such darkness he had been living in. Depression is not something that ends; it is work that one must do to stay well. Graham wants to help others be brave and share what is their truth so they can find the faith and wellness that he was able to discover. The faith is what created the discovery that saved his life. Graham Aitchison is 30-years old, and with a long prosperous life ahead, he hopes to evangelize this message to make our world a safer place.