Enjoy The Journey- The Aureus Financial Podcast

Michael Shaw - The Best Way To Climb The Financial Ladder



I am super excited for today’s show because I have my good friend/colleague with me. We are joined by none other than Michael Shaw. Michael is the National Business Development Manager at Aureus Financial. He likes challenges, setting goals and creating milestones. He’s on the show today to reach out to you and give you tips on how you can climb that ladder in the fastest and most efficient way possible. After all, legacy wealth and success aren’t handed to anyone on a silver platter. You must go out there, take action, and give it you all.  Start building your dream with little steps by listening to today’s chat with Michael. We’ll wait for you, so hurry and click that play button! Key Takeaways: What were Carl's first thoughts about finance and money? Is there a catalyst for him to climb that property ladder?  What lessons did he learn about money, wealth, and finance while traveling?  Wealth creation is built over time. In order to achieve success, you should be able to define what you want to achieve.  W