Irish Times Inside Politics

Maureen Dowd on Trump, Washington in Turmoil and Thriving Journalism



New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd is the undisputed queen of the Washington commentariat. President George W Bush called her 'the Cobra' and in 1999 she was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for a series of columns on the Monica Lewinsky scandal in the Clinton administration. In today's podcast, she tells Hugh that journalists in Washington are in a strange position because while Donald Trump's presidency is "the most incredible thing that’s ever happened in politics", it has seen journalism thrive. She also talks about the Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the party's prospects in 2020 and why President Obama must shoulder some of the blame for Trump's election.Maureen Dowd will take part in a public conversation at the Kennedy Summer School on Saturday, September 7th. Her column appears every Monday in The Irish Times See for privacy and opt-out information.