Dementia Matters

Delirium and Dementia: Plenary Preview with Dr. Sharon Inouye



AAIC Special Series Part 4: Research into delirium, a condition where older adults experience acute confusional states during hospitalizations, and its connections to dementia have led to  numerous advancements in hospital care and treatments. Dr. Sharon Inouye joins the podcast to discuss how our understanding of delirium has changed over the past 30 years and previews her upcoming AAIC plenary talk about the intersection of delirium and dementia. Guest: Sharon Inouye, PhD, director, Aging Brain Center, Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research, professor, Harvard Medical School Show Notes AAIC is the world’s largest forum for the dementia research community. Register for the plenary events, which are free to the public with registration, at the AAIC website. Learn more about Dr. Inouye at her bio on the Marcus Institute for Aging Research website. Connect with us Find transcripts and more at our website. Email Dementia Matters: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.