Starting Somewhere

The Internship Landscape - What are you getting yourself into?



There are three ways to do an internship. Each has different benefits, but competition is stiff. Experts, employers interns and your hosts, both former interns, guide you through what employers expect and what interns get out of the experience. Hosts, Buffy Gorrilla and Ben Pawson, explore the internship landscape in detail. If you know nothing, this is where to start. We delve into the surprising history of internships and how they help you get jobs in today's changing employability marketplace. Employers are still using interns, but in new ways. We talk to recruiters who are changing the entry qualifications for interns - in the hope of recruiting the next generation of leaders. We explore the pressure interns are feeling in Australia and around the world. How the pressure manifests itself and how interns are dealing with it. We look at the data on internships, from a recent government report, with representative sampling of the whole Australian population, and a more in-depth report from Interns Austral