Starting Somewhere

Who’s doing it right?



So what does a good internship look like? We break down the features with plenty of examples of companies treating interns right and reaping the rewards. But what does it take to land a good internship? And can a good one still be unfair? This one is for the companies! We uncover the 5 vital ingredients in a good internship. From application to orientation to exit interview, what exactly goes into a good internship? We talk to two top-ranked companies from the Internships Australia annual rankings. We hear how they hire and what they give to and get from their interns. Up to now, it’s all been on the interns, but companies have a lot to gain and little to give when it comes to internships. Colin McLeod, Investor, director and innovator tells us why companies should pay attention to interns, and ShineWing Australia tell us what they do to hold onto good interns once they accept an offer, clue: crazygolf! How do you recognise a good internship? We talk to Internships Australia about their accreditation scheme