Starting Somewhere

Alternatives to an internship- volunteering abroad, clubs and industry projects



Now you know everything about internships, what else is available? We present other ways to bridge the gap from the classroom to the workplace. From starting a business to getting the most out of clubs and societies, we have you covered. An internship is not right for everyone and in this penultimate episode of Starting Somewhere we present the alternatives. Staying within the structure of the university you can still get a load of great experience; industry projects, exchange study or placements abroad. We also talk to Global Consulting Group, a student led consultancy that is doing really interesting work with nonprofits and Australian Volunteers International and their US equivalent, the PeaceCorps speak volunteering abroad and getting out of your comfort zone. We explore how employers see these alternatives and how you can package it on your CV. Just another way to get started somewhere. If you have had an alternative to an internship that has worked out well, or not! We would love to hear from you, get