Big Scary Show – Episode 95 – Krampus!



Episode 95 The Holiday season is upon us, but there is still a dark side to all the festivities, to keep your black little hearts warm at night. The Krampus is coming and I think he already got Storm!  The Roundtable of Terror sits down with Dan Baker of the Krampus Society, and he gives us the gory details of a holiday legend that began in Bavaria and is now becoming bigger in the US. Badger get a chance to interview Pustulus Maximus of GWAR to find out the latest with Krampus’s favorite band, including a New Years Evil concert. We bring you the latest Gruesome Giveaway contest, and we promise the winner will not get a sack of coal, but a really cool prize from Screamline Studios. The Unknown Scare-Actor is back with a reading of his horrorday classic, ‘Twas the Fright Before Christmas. Badger brings us the latest Deadline News, While Storm Rants on, in a Haunt Minute.  The Unknown Scare-Actor continues his research on the origins of Halloween, while the Haunt Rocker spins the Holiday inspired sp