Monster Party




MONSTER PARTY TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF YOUR FILM! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take part in another round of one of their favorite movie nerd games. Can you guess who said what to whom in what film, in this especially vocal episode called… HORROR & SCI-FI MOVIE QUOTES!!! Because our HORROR MOVIE QUOTES and SCI-FI MOVIE QUOTES episodes were such smash hits, we decided to team these two genres up for a MONSTER PARTY mash-up of quotable proportions! But just to make things magical, we’ve thrown in some fantasy quotes as well! But don't expect any of that "my precious" malarky.  The rules are the same as usual: Each of us recite a quote (or quotes) from a film, and the rest of the gang try to figure out which film it's from. It’s just that insanely simple! The tricky part is performing the quote, while attempting not to sound like James Mason. Joining us for this quotation vacation is a return guest, a great friend, and a long time MONSTER PARTY fan. He’s an extremely tale