Tenacious Living Network

Healing Shame - Tenacious Living Network



Healing Shame Shame is a true emotion and therefore has a positive side to it. No emotions are “bad” unless they are rejected, not owned or go unexpressed. Emotions are meant to move, motivate and move us into action. They are energy in motion. However, shame in our personal and collective experience in this world today is out of balance and is being used in unhealthy ways. Many, if not most, people have received an overload of shame early in life which has gone unexpressed. Shamed-based adults virally project and pass their shame onto others, and in particular, their children. This shame-based behavior is an intense shadow that we carry and detrimental to our well being. More than any other emotion, it has the potential to keep us trapped in old limiting patterns of behavior unless we turn towards it and resolve it. Unresolved shame can block other healing. If[...] The post WisdomWays Radio I Healing Shame appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.