Pod Stallions : Obsession Done Right

Pod Stallions 98: The 2021 Retro Awards



"We're living in such strange times that it truly feels like yesterday that we were going over our 'Best Of 2020' list, commenting on how quickly we got there. Well, we blinked a few times and 2021 is done and gone, so here we are again with our picks of bits that brightened our outlooks. Movies, shows, books, toys and more random musings and recommendations abound in our (yes!) second December episode, The Pod Stallions Best of the Year. If you hurry you can still get to these before '22 arrives!Check out the New Pod Stallions Twitter account:https://twitter.com/PodStallionsYou can listen in high quality to all of our episodes here:http://podstallion.blogspot.com/Join our Pod Stallions Facebook group here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/podstallions   Pod Stallions FB Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/2226244254053126/ Please give us spirited debate in our new Facebook group.  Download the Show HereListen herePODSTALLIONS ON ITUNESPODSTALLIONS RSS FEED