Passing The Torch

Passing The Torch Presents Black Then with Crispus Attucks



Summary - Black Then A history podcast from Passing The Torch Podcast Network.Join Martin Foster and a rotation of guest hosts to celebrate and uplift the talents of African Americans throughout military history. Tune in to hear a quick synopsis of heralded and unheralded patriots.What has been pieced together paints a picture of a young man who showed an early skill for buying and trading goods. He seemed unafraid of the consequences of escaping the bonds of slavery. Historians have theorized that Attucks was the focus of an advertisement in a 1750 edition of the Boston Gazette in which a white landowner offered to pay 10 pounds for the return of a young runaway enslaved person.Attucks, however, managed to escape for good, spending the next two decades on trading ships and whaling vessels coming in and out of Boston. He also found work as a rope maker.Fast forwarding, As British control over the colonies tightened, tensions escalated between the colonists and British soldiers. Attucks was one of those direct