The Beauty Beat With Francesca Alexander

S07 Ep: 44 Rachel Grunwell



Do you believe that things or events happen for a reason? I was on my way to a #blacklivesmatter protest, and then it happened. I had a massive anxiety attack. I started listening to Kate Northrup's podcast and shuffled some boxes in my new at the home office. There I found my external hard drive with Rachel Grunwell's interview. It suddenly all came together. All things present itself when you are ready. In this is a podcast I have wanted to share for a while! Rachel Grunwell is someone I met in Auckland and a big fan of her book Balance: Food, Health + Happiness. This book and Rachel's insights on the podcast are transforming. ...Find more about Rachel Grunwell here: Grunwell Instagram: Kate Northrup here: also here: ME ON INSTAGR