Rik Radio

Rik Radio Archives: House Of Whacks Episode 3 : Texas Chainsaw Massacre



Hey there you Horrormaniacs, welcome back to H.O.W. for episode 3. And it’s a heavy hitter. it’s the all time classic, often ripped off 1974’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Yes the movie that paved the way for other masked lunatic slashers that come a little later in the decade. This movie still packs a powerful punch, and has a nastiness that makes you want to take a shower after viewing. If you think you know this movie, then check this show out, you may find out a few things that you didn’t know. All this and wrapped up with some humor to boot. let’s get this avocado van to moving!!!! The post Rik Radio Archives: House Of Whacks Episode 3 : Texas Chainsaw Massacre first appeared on Legion.