Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Change Your Life 5x Faster With These Five Questions | ES138



Are you also always looking for ways to improve and grow into the best version of yourself? However, like with all change and growth, more often than we want to, a little inner voice may pipe up and make us wonder and worry about whether we are doing the right thing. This voice may ask: What if I don’t reach my goals? What if I don’t like the results of the change? What if others don’t like me because of how I changed? The paralyzing “what if’s…” can hold us back and keep us small and stuck in our comfort zones. Add to this other familiar inner obstacles like anxiety, lack of self-esteem, or a pattern of putting other people first, and just the idea of change becomes hugely challenging. Unfortunately, the longer we stay stuck, the less we believe in our ability to make a difference for ourselves. If you are ready to make a change but need some direction and support in the process please join me for this week’s episode where I will be sharing the 5 questions to ask and answer about ourselves in order to g