English Across The Pond

S1E1: A Brazilian in Australia - How to go from understanding and speaking 60% of English to professional success



Today’s guest is someone near and dear to me and you’ll hear his story of leaving Brazil and arriving in Australia with only understanding and speaking about 60% of English. Find out how he reached personal and professional success with executive-level jobs and now raising a family in the US. English Outside the Box will help you learn what it actually takes to reach success in English, and here’s a little secret… it’s MUCH more than the language-based skills you have been focused on. When you start thinking and learning ‘outside the box’ you’ll reach a new level of English you’ve only been dreaming about. Tune in each week for inspirational, motivational, and educational episodes on mindset, goals, confidence, and how YOU can discover your unique roadmap to more financial freedom, security, and a life of success… all in English. Ready to dive deeper with my teaching methodologies and English Success System? Visit my website to learn more www.englishoutsidethebox.com/podcast or send me a message on WhatsApp (