Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed

Venus Transits Through the Signs



Episode 163. Venus spends about a month in a sign. Venus transits indicate how we’re loving, creating, or spending. Let’s go through each sign: Aries - When Venus is in Aries, romance gets red-hot. This is a bold, fast-paced transit, which loves the chase more than the commitment. If you’re single, it’s a great time to be on the prowl! Venus in Aries isn’t shy - you can find your swagger now. Original artistic ideas are easier to come by and you might spend your dough faster than it comes in. Watch out for impulse spending under this transit. Taurus - When Venus is in Taurus, romance gets sensuous, affectionate, and tactile. Quality time and plenty of physical touch are IN. However, you can be overindulgent or possessive too. You’ll want to keep those tendencies in check. This is an intensely creative period, and artists will find inspiration everywhere. Under this transit, you’ll want to invest in quality pieces and plenty of pampering. Gemini - When Venus is in Gemini, you can get your flirt on! Words encha