Story Worthy

689- Happy 11 Year Anniversary Story Worthy!



Celebrating over 11 years and almost 700 episodes as Producer and Host of the weekly storytelling podcast Story Worthy, Christine Blackburn has interviewed some of the biggest names in show business like Larry King, Sugar Ray Leonard, Greg Proops, Blaine Capatch, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Bobcat Goldthwait, Kevin Nealon and on and on. Over the last 10 years the stories have ranged from laugh out funny to heart-wrenching but always with a positive message. Christine is also creator and host of Story Smash: The Storytelling Game Show live at the Hollywood Improv every month. She also hosts a monthly storytelling show at Flappers Comedy Club in Burbank- The Story Worthy Hour & 1/2 of Power, where 8 comedians tell true stories in 1 1/2 hours. In addition to her own shows she is co-host on the popular music Podcast Rock Solid and Screwed Up Stories on Westwood One. As a storyteller she is a 3-time MOTH story winner. She is the author of the book: PIT to LAX: My Story Worthy Life and has contributed to The Huffingt