Calvary Chapel Sydney

Ben Grisez - Genesis 12:1-20 The Blessedness of Faith



Synopsis: Abram exercised faith in God who spoke to him and obeyed His command to leave his country, people and family. God promised to bless Abram and make him a blessing, and God was faithful to His promise even though Abram was not without faults. Rather than putting Abram on a pedestal, let us seek, praise and trust God who offers us a living hope by grace. Verses in order of appearance: Genesis 12:1-3 Numbers 6:24-26 Galatians 3:8-9 Genesis 12:4-6 Proverbs 10:12 Genesis 12:7-9 Genesis 12:10-16 Genesis 12:17-20 Hebrews 11:8-10 1 Peter 1:3-5