Movies N Sh*t

Episode 51: Stand by Picard’s Body



Last time, we were the bride; this time, we’re just a wife.  But we still have just as much enthusiasm as we did for episode 50.  This time, we cover reactions to the many Movies We’ve Seen (13:51) since last time, from shaming Patrick’s girlfriend Jess for not loving the new Top Gun movie to Patrick’s mom shaming his dad for loving A Fish Called Wanda, and everything, everywhere in between.  TV Talk (1:16:18) includes shows that recently wrapped up like Atlanta and Obi-Wan Kenobi to shows in full stride like Stranger Things, Strange New Worlds, and The Boys.  In Entertainment News (2:03:16) we pay tribute to Ray Liotta and talk upcoming stuff before premiering our first-ever segment of What Year Did That Come Out Again? (2:18:21) and presenting another segment of What The Hell Did They Just Say? (2:23:48), Dogma edition.  Finally, we bring you a Jurassic World edition of Guess That Rotten Tomato Score (2:29:40) and another Hidden Gem (2:34:00) before signing off until next time. &nbs