Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

226: How Continuing to Test and Tweak Ads Led to $15k Profit Months for Kati Kiefer of True Money Saver



This podcast episode is for anyone who's tried Facebook + Instagram ads and just couldn't seem to make a profit. Kati Kiefer of has been in those shoes, but she's here to tell you that "you're only gonna fail if you give up."   Kati struggled for the first 6 months of running Facebook ads.  She tested and tweaked all the things -- sales pages, ads, messaging, audiences... you name it.  Finally, she pivoted to a different upfront product -- a product that drew in a slightly different type of personal finance customer, that made practical, realistic promises to them, and... before she knew it, her ads were profitable!     Kati's been running with that same incredible offer for the last 2.5 years with her ads. She now spends about $500/day on her ads and consistently makes $400 in profits per day.  (Her Return on Ad Spend fluctuates between a 1.8 and 2.3).  But keep this in mind:  When Kati has a new ad to test, she spends just $25/day.  So you don't need to start out spending hundreds of doll