Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

99. How To Boost Your Patience, Energy and Progress So You Can Do the Best Work Of Your Career



It happens to the best of us. We find ourselves impatient and frustrated that we’re not accomplishing or creating fast enough. Maybe it’s building your business, getting a colleague to accept your recommendation, or getting recognized for how hard you’re working. Release all of this noise because it’s holding you back. Today, I want to introduce you to a  game-changing tool that will help you boost your patience and energy for whatever masterpiece you currently are or want to build.  This tool has been responsible for helping many left-brain dominant, high-performers get out of their own way and onto building the best work of their career.  It’s also a great reminder that getting back to basics helps you gain the clarity and passion to ultimately succeed at the mission behind  your work.    Our mission is to help you become unstoppable so you can do the best work of your career while you enjoy more inner peace and personal freedom. Be sure to sign up for my emails that announce the Playing Full Out Podcast as