Attra - Sustainable Agriculture

Everything Old is New Again, Exploring Indigenous and Traditional Agriculture Methods, Part 2



Welcome back to a conversation between NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialists Felicia Bell and Justin Duncan about traditional and indigenous farming techniques, both in their own families and in cultures around the world. This episode of Voices from the Field is second of a two-part series. If you missed the first half of the discussion, you can find a link to it in the show notes accompanying this episode. This week, Felicia and Justin talk about traditional methods of meat preservation, growing on relatively large acreages without relying on chemicals, and the myth that traditional and sustainable methods can’t generate good profits.  Related ATTRA Resources: How to Reduce Synthetic Fertilizer Use  Everything Old is New Again, Exploring Indigenous and Traditional Agriculture Methods  Indigenous Perspectives on Soil and Water Indigenous and Traditional Soil Health Practices   Other Resources:  Gather Stories. Food Sovereignty Films Contact Felicia Bell and Justin Duncan via email at and