Business Game Changers

Rosa Koire Warned Us to What Was Coming & Told Us What to Do – We Should Listen



Rosa Koire was an American hero, thought leader and an international best selling author of the book “Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21”. Unfortunately we lost her last May 2021 to lung cancer at the young age of 50. All of us will miss her integrity and love for humanity. This show I replay my interview from 2019 where she warns us to what is coming. I wish I could have her back to learn so much more. Here is the original description of the show. Rosa Koire joins the program to discuss U.N. Agenda 21, the goals behind this international global plan, and how it effects each and every one of us on the planet. She explains how she first became aware of the overreaching plan expertly being pushed as “sustainable development” and what it really means to humanity. She warns that we are in the end game but, it’s not too late for us to resist the tyranny that is fast approaching if we all stand up and do what we can to limit their ability to take our freedoms, liberty, happiness, & life. You can still purchase