Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 393: Leadville Trail Marathon Recap



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.    This episode is a recap of the Leadville Trail Marathon located at Leadville, Colorado.   It is the highest elevation marathon in the United States at 10,000 ft climbing to Mosquito pass at 13.186 ft.    Finish time: 8:41:46 Distance 26.4 miles covered   552 people completed the marathon.  43 Did not finish. 133 finishers over the age of 50.  1 70 year old man finished as oldest finisher.    Predictors of slower time: Not living at altitude and over 50.    Lessons learned: Hill training important Rock training equally important   Plans to improve: Hill training Strength training for foot speed Balance and mobility training for uneven terrain   Nutrition discussion: Herbs and spices to improve immune function.   Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com with questions   Website: doctordulaney.com   https://www.leadvilleraceseries.com/run/trailmarathonheavyhalf/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2841576/   https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generati