Foundation Church Belfast

Enjoying Healthy Community



Enjoying Healthy Community To develop and deepen healthy community, it is essential that we are united. In this sermon, we see that the church is to be united for good works and against division. When we share this common unity and passion, a powerful community develops that points onlookers past ourselves and towards Jesus - the one who forms and empowers us as his people. Main Text Titus 3:8-12 Preacher Andrew Wright, member of Foundation Church Belfast Foundation Church Belfast We are a gospel-centred, Spirit-empowered community on mission. We meet every Sunday 10:30am Belmont Tower, Belfast, BT4 3FG. Our vision is to catalyse the gospel transformation of our city and nation. Follow us:  We are part of the Advance Movement of churches, partnering together in Ireland and across the globe to plant and strengthen churches: