Human Resources For Small Business

Everyone Deserves a Great Manager with Scott Miller



It’s no secret that the key to a good and happy team is a great manager. But what makes a great manager? How would you know if you or your people are ready for the role of leading a team? In a study published by Harvard Business Review, it showcased that the average age for first-time managers is 30 years old. While the average age when they get their first leadership training is 42. This means that managers aren’t equipped to lead their team.  In this episode, Scott Jeffrey Miller from FranklinCovey joins us to talk about his new book, “Everyone Deserves a Great Manager: The 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team”. He is the Executive Vice President and CMO at Franklin Covey, a company that inspires change and implements proven principles so that people and organizations achieve the results that matter most to them. Scott talks about why everyone deserves great managers. He highlights the essential skills and practices needed to become a manager so that your organization can thrive! We also explore the limi