Brilliant Business Moms With Beth Anne Schwamberger

225: Refining Your Offers to Improve Facebook Ads Revenue with Jen McConaghie



Is it still possible to make Facebook and Instagram ads work if you're a brand new business owner? Yes, it is! Today we’re talking to Jen McConaghie of This Time of Mine to find out how she did just that. All you need is a fabulous product to sell and some help along the way to craft an amazing offer. You need a swoon-worthy sales page, brilliant ad images, and just the right ad copy so you can find the right customers for your business.   If you're a newer business owner, you will love hearing from Jen and even more experienced business owners will learn some great tips on how to reorder your offers and reposition them to make a perfect fit for your customers. It’s so exciting to see students make simple tweaks that positively affect their ads profits and their conversion rates. As you hear from Jen, you'll realize that she is someone who is going to continue to test and tweak - there is no giving up when it comes to Jen and her growing her business!   Find the full show notes for this episode here: https://