Elimination Of The Snakes

Elimination of the Snakes - Show #650



Life and political podcast.  Brought to you from The Divided States of America. We've been off for a couple of weeks. Life's been a little crazy for Dan. Dan's second book is about ready to go. Fact or Crap: Having a hard time getting more Fact or Crap questions. John got 3 out of 4 this week. Mail Bag: ( eots@email.com ) No mail this week. From an idiots mind: (FAIM) A federal gas tax holiday? $0.18 a gallon. A severe weather related story/rant from Dan. A call out for a co-author for a book on weaponizing the power grid.  A call out to Putin to put up or shut up. I literally lost organs: Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders. Video of the Week: Trump's Truth Social Is BANNING People For Talking About January 6th Hearings