Higher Ed Now

John Chisholm: Exploring Holistic Diversity



ACTA's VP of Academic Affairs, Jonathan Pidluzny, interviews entrepreneur and business leader John Dana Chisholm about the concept of holistic diversity and its potential to influence higher education policy. Mr. Chisholm is a member of the Free Speech Alliance at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was previously a member of the MIT Corporation (or board of trustees). He has four decades of experience as entrepreneur, CEO, and investor, having founded and served as Chairman/CEO of Decisive Technology (now part of Google), and of CustomerSat (now part of FocusVision), a leading provider of enterprise feedback management systems. These days he heads up John Chisholm Ventures, a San Francisco-based entrepreneurship advisory and investment firm. He is the author of Unleash Your Inner Company: 10 Steps to Discover, Launch, and Scale Your Ideal Business.