RIA Weekly

Episode 362: Are we using version control?



This week we discuss work life balance, the State of Continuous Delivery Survey and recap WWDC. Plus, some thoughts on Buddha and parenting… Runner-up Titles The Buddha had no kids The Air Fryer is a PaaS. Rundown Work vs. Life Office workers get little reward for returning to the office – an idle factory is taboo (https://cote.io/2022/06/08/office-workers-get-little-reward-for-returning-to-work-an-idle-factory-is-taboo/) CEOs had a phenomenal year. Workers, less so (https://thehustle.co/05312022-CEO-vs-Worker-Pay/) Tesla monitored its employees on Facebook with help of PR firm during 2017 union push (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/02/tesla-paid-pr-firm-to-surveil-employees-on-facebook-in-2017-union-push.html) Elon Musk asks all Tesla employees to come back to the office or quit (https://electrek.co/2022/06/01/elon-musk-tesla-employees-come-back-office-or-quit/) Ford factory workers get 40-hour week (https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/ford-factory-workers-get-40-hour-week) Survey Says State of Continuo