Business Game Changers

URGENT! Many babies will die or be injured for Life. What YOU can do w/James Roguski



James Roguski rejoins the program to share the next expansion of the mRNA jab program will be to target babies. Both Pfizer and Moderna are selling their dangerous product as "safe and effective" when it is anything but. They are targeting a group of people who have zero risk of COVID and zero evidence of transmission to others. Never mind the fact that that mRNA jab is not effective and dangerous. Even if it had been effective at all in the past, it surely is not now. It's akin to using last year's flu shot on this years flu. Zero benefit with only risk. You can help by sharing this video with others and by submitting comments to the FDA and to members of the commission. Go to to learn how.   Please help us fight for Freedom of Speech, consider donating @ Important Proven Solutions to Keep from Getting Sick Even if you Received the mRNA Shot Save serious money on gas by using Ron Hatton's amazing snake oil - Get the 3 most effective products as one pack