Fab Lab

Interview – Pricing Your Work with Ed Young – Fabricator Coach



Have you raised your prices?  Are you raising your prices?  Does the topic of raising your price cause you to sweat and worry about what your customers might say? Well, no matter how you answer those questions, there has never been a better time or a better reason to raise your prices…and it's not just because costs keep going up. Your work is worth it!  The customer values what you do for them and they will pay more!  You need to maximize pricing and profit!  You can! In this episode, we discuss the topic in detail with guest coach (and one-time Fab Lab guest host) Ed Young of fabricatorscoach.com You can read his recent article on pricing here: https://fabricatorscoach.com/how-much-work-can-your-shop-handle/ Check out the sponsor of the Fab Lab: noliftsystem.com Enjoy and happy fabricating!