Flower Power Garden Hour

Flower Power Garden Hour 145: June To Do List



This episode is the garden To Do list for the month of June.  Summer suddenly feels like it is in full swing, with a rapid to transition to HOT weather.  Time to get your garden tasks done early in the morning.  Vegetables to plant: Tomatoes Eggplant Peppers Squash Watermelon Zucchini Corn Beans Cucumbers Melons Okra Pumpkins Watermelon Swiss Chard   Garden tasks: Shade peppers Pinch off basil flowers, dead head flowers Compost Mulch Deep water trees Remove stakes from trees and re-stake Paint fruit trees Thin fruit trees Monitor for pests, use kaolin clay diatomaceous earth Cage tomatoes, peppers Control weeds so they don’t go to seed Be patient with fruit set….or hand pollinate   To ask questions for future shows, submit them at: Facebook Instagram email Marlene at marlenetheplantlady@gmail.com   Find Marlene over on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook