E6s-methods Lean Six Sigma Performance Podcast With Aaron Spearin & Jacob Kurian

E6S-168 The Know-Nothing Black Belt



Intro: Welcome to the E6S-Methods podcast with Jacob and Aaron, your weekly dose of tips and tricks to achieve excellent performance in your business and career. Join us as we explore deeper into the practical worlds of Lean, Six Sigma, Project Management and Design Thinking. In this episode number 168, we discuss the idea of employing a "Know-Nothing Black Belt" through our commentary on yet another 2009 iSixSigma article from Aaron's information hoard. If you're just tuning in for the first time, find all our back episodes on our podcast table of contents at e6s-methods.com. If you like this episode, be sure to click the "like" link in the show notes. It's easy. Just tap our logo, click and you're done. Tap-click-done! Here we go. http://bit.ly/E6S-168 Leave a Review! http://bit.ly/E6S-iTunes Link to original article: The Merits of ‘Know-nothing’ Belts and Champions, by Karl Williams, iSixSigma.com Outro: Thanks for listening to episode 168 of the E6S-Methods podcast. Stay tuned for episode 16